An official website of Washington State
Schools and Universities
Early Intervention
- Birth to Three | Washington State School for the Blind
- Early Intervention: How to Access Services for Children Birth to 3 in Washington - PAVE
- Home | Washington State School for the Blind - Every blind and low vision student in Washington has the supports and services they need to succeed.
- PAVE: Partnerships for Action, Voices for Empowerment - PAVE provides support, training, information, and resources to empower and give voice to individuals, youth and families impacted by disabilities.
Higher Education
- Washington College Grant | WSAC- Washington College Grant (WCG) is one of the most generous financial aid programs in the country.
- WebAIM: Training Others - Accommodating Various Abilities and Disabilities - Accessibility in training platforms.
- Universal Design: Process, Principles, and Applications | DO-IT (washington.edu) - How can educators design instruction to maximize the learning of all students?
Student Disability Services at WA Colleges and Universities
- University of WA Accessibility
- Eastern WA University Accessibility
- Western WA University Disability Access Center
- Central WA University Disability Services
- Washington State University Accessibility
- Gonzaga Disability Access Office
- St. Martin's University Disability Support
- Evergreen State College Access Services
- Whitman College Disability Support Services
- Seattle University Disability Services
- WA State Community & Technical College Disability Service Offices
Accessible Classrooms
Remote Instruction
- 5 Accessibility Actions You Can Take When You’re Moving Your Conference or Classes Online | American Foundation for the Blind (afb.org)
- American Foundation for the Blind (afb.org) - Resources for remote instruction and meetings.
- Make your meeting accessible - Perkins School for the Blind
- Virtual Meeting Planning Document (windows.net)