An official website of Washington State
Accessibility - WA State Law and Policy
Law and Policy - Overview
- RCW 49.60.030: Freedom from discrimination—Declaration of civil rights
- RCW 70.84.010: Declaration—Policy. (wa.gov) - Washington State policy for persons with disabilities to participate fully in the social and economic life of the state, and to engage in remunerative employment.
- Guide to Disability and Washington State Nondiscrimination Laws
Buildings – Interior and Exterior Accessibility
- Disability Access Requirements | WSHRC
- Disability Laws | Tenants Union
- Washington State Building Code Requirements for Accessibility
Pathways and Transportation
- RCW 70.84.040: Precautions for drivers of motor vehicles approaching a wheelchair user or pedestrian who is using a white cane, dog guide, or service animal. (wa.gov)
- RCW 70.84.060: Unauthorized use of white cane, dog guide, or service animal. (wa.gov)
Emergency Situations
- Individuals with Disabilities | Ready.gov - For people with disabilities and their families, it is important to consider individual circumstances and needs to effectively prepare for emergencies and disasters.
- Coalition on Inclusive Emergency Planning (CIEP) (wasilc.org) - If you have a disability or an access & functional need, you may need to take additional steps to prepare for emergencies.
- Disability Empowerment Center
Section 508
- Section 508: What is It and Why is It Important to You?
- Laws and Policy Quick Reference Guide | Section508.gov
Other Resources
- Northwest ADA Center | ADANW - The ADA Centers are a national platform of ten centers comprised of ADA professionals and experts charged with assisting businesses, state and local governments, and people with disabilities as they manage the process of changing our culture to be user friendly to disability and the effect the variety of health conditions can have on society.
- WSHRC | (wa.gov) - Washington State Human Rights Center - Under the law, everyone has the right to be free from discrimination at work, in housing, in a public accommodation, or when seeking credit and insurance.