An official website of Washington State
Accessibility Policy
Disability Inclusion in Planning
- Training | ADANW (nwadacenter.org) - Information, training, and guidance on the ADA to Alaska, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon.
- ADA Training | ADA National Network (adata.org)
- What We Do: Consulting for Businesses — Disability Empowerment Center - We provide expert fee-based consulting services for businesses, nonprofits and municipalities that want to be more accessible and inclusive.
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Governor’s Committee on Disability Issues and Employment
Procurement Policy
- Let the Buyer be Aware (ncdae.org) - Procurement policy considerations and sample procurement language to ensure purchase of accessible products.
- VPAT - Information Technology Industry Council (itic.org) - The Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR) based on the ITI VPAT® is the leading global reporting format for assisting buyers and sellers in identifying information and communications technology (ICT) products and services with accessibility features.
- 188_Accessibility_Interim_TSB_Sub_201705_3.pdf (wa.gov) - This policy establishes the expectation for Washington State agencies that people with disabilities have access to and use of information and data and be provided access to the same services and content that is available to persons without disabilities.
Leadership in Equity
- WebAIM: The Importance of Leadership
- WebAIM: 8-Step Implementation Model - Introduction: Overview of a Model of Reform - Steps to implement web accessibility.
- DIN - DIN Homepage (wa.gov) - To see Washington State as an Employer of Choice ensuring people with disabilities have equitable access and resources through recruitment, hiring, training, development, retention and promotion.
- Persons with Disabilities | Office of Equity (wa.gov)
- ESDWAGOV - Governor's Committee on Disability Issues & Employment (GCDE) - To provide statewide advocacy and leadership to empower the disability community to obtain equality of opportunity and maximum independence.
- Disability:IN (Disability Inclusion Network) Washington, formerly WSBLN (di-wash.org) - To assist our network of business partners in driving performance through disability inclusion in the workplace, supply chain, and market place.