Licencias profesionales


Acute Care Hospitals (Health, Department of)
Aircraft Dealers (Transportation, Department of)
Aircraft Fuel Distributors (Licensing, Department of)
Aircraft Registration (Transportation, Department of)
Ambulatory Surgical Facilities (Health, Department of)
Amusement Ride Inspectors (Labor and Industries, Department of)
Animal Massage Therapists (Health, Department of)
Appraisal management companies (Licensing, Department of)
Appraisers (Licensing, Department of)
Apprenticeships (Labor and Industries, Department of)
Architects (Licensing, Department of)
Asbestos Removal (Labor and Industries, Department of)
Athletic Trainers (Health, Department of)
Auctioneers (Licensing, Department of)
Audiologists (Health, Department of)


Bail Bonds (Licensing, Department of)
Batteries (Ecology, Department of)
Beauty Salons (Licensing, Department of)
Birthing/Childbirth Centers (Health, Department of)
Boats (Licensing, Department of)
Business License (Revenue, Department of)
Business Licensing Service (Revenue, Department of)


Camping Resorts (Licensing, Department of)
Cannabis (Liquor and Cannabis Board)
Cardiovascular Invasive Specialists (Health, Department of)
Cemeteries (Licensing, Department of)
Certified Counselor (Health, Department of)
Certified Professional Guardian (Courts, Administrative Office of the)
Certified Public Accountant Firms (Accountancy, State Board of)
Certified Public Accountants (CPA) (Accountancy, State Board of)
Charter Boats (Labor and Industries, Department of)
Check Cashers and Sellers (Financial Institutions, Department of)
Child Care & Early Learning Providers (Children, Youth, and Families, Department of)
Cigarette, Tobacco, and Vapor (Revenue, Department of)
City Endorsements (Revenue, Department of)
Collection Agencies (Licensing, Department of)
Combative Sports (Licensing, Department of)
Combination Plumbers and Electricians (Labor and Industries, Department of)
Commercial Driver License (CDL) (Licensing, Department of)
Commercial Shellfish (Health, Department of)
Commerical Fishing (Fish and Wildlife, Department of)
Commerical Learner's Permit (CLP) (Licensing, Department of)
Concealed Pistols (Licensing, Department of)
Construction Contractors (Labor and Industries, Department of)
Consumer Loan Companies (Financial Institutions, Department of)
Corporations and Charities (Secretary of State, Office of the)
Cosmetologists (Licensing, Department of)
Cosmetology Instructors (Licensing, Department of)
Court Reporters (Licensing, Department of)


Dental Hygienists (Health, Department of)
Dentists (Health, Department of)
Denturists (Health, Department of)
Dietitians and Nutritionists (Health, Department of)
Disabled Parking (Licensing, Department of)
Dispensing Opticians (Health, Department of)
Driver Training School Instructors (Licensing, Department of)
Driver Training Schools (Licensing, Department of)
Drivers License (Licensing, Department of)
Drug Lab Cleanup Certification (Health, Department of)


Egg Handler/Dealers (Revenue, Department of)
Electrical Administrators (Labor and Industries, Department of)
Electrical Contractors (Labor and Industries, Department of)
Electrical Trainees (Labor and Industries, Department of)
Electricians (Labor and Industries, Department of)
Elevator Contractors (Labor and Industries, Department of)
Elevator Mechanics (Labor and Industries, Department of)
Embalmers (Licensing, Department of)
Employment Agencies (Licensing, Department of)
Employment Directory Services (Licensing, Department of)
EMS Aid and Ambulance Services (Health, Department of)
EMS Education and Training (Health, Department of)
EMS Evaluators (Health, Department of)
Escrow Agents & Officers (Financial Institutions, Department of)
Explosives (Labor and Industries, Department of)


Farm Labor Contractors (Labor and Industries, Department of)
Fire Sprinklers (State Patrol, Washington)
Firearm Dealers (Licensing, Department of)
Firearms (Licensing, Department of)
Fireworks (State Patrol, Washington)
Fishing and Shellfishing (Fish and Wildlife, Department of)
Food Worker Card (Health, Department of)
Funeral Directors (Licensing, Department of)
Funeral Establishments (Licensing, Department of)


Gambling Licenses (Gambling Commission, Washington State)
Game Farms (Fish and Wildlife, Department of)
Genetic Counselors (Health, Department of)
Geologists (Licensing, Department of)


Hearing and Speech Services (Health, Department of)
Home Care Agencies (Health, Department of)
Home Care Aides (Health, Department of)
Home Inspectors (Licensing, Department of)
Hospice Agencies (Health, Department of)
Hospice Care Centers (Health, Department of)
Hulk Haulers (Licensing, Department of)
Hunting (Fish and Wildlife, Department of)
Hypnotherapists (Health, Department of)


ID cards (Licensing, Department of)
Immigration Services (Attorney General, Office of the)
Industrial Insurance (Revenue, Department of)
Instruction Permits (Licensing, Department of)
Insurance Adjusters (Insurance Commissioner, Office of the)
Insurance Agents (Insurance Commissioner, Office of the)
Insurance Brokers (Insurance Commissioner, Office of the)
Insurance Licenses (Insurance Commissioner, Office of the)
Insurance Surplus Line Brokers (Insurance Commissioner, Office of the)
Insurance surplus line insurers (Insurance Commissioner, Office of the)
International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) (Licensing, Department of)
Investment Advisers and Investment Adviser Representatives (Financial Institutions, Department of)



Kidney Centers (Health, Department of)


Land Surveyors (Engineers and Land Surveyors, Board of Registration for)
Landscape Architects (Licensing, Department of)
Large On-Site Sewage Systems (LOSS) (Health, Department of)
Legal Professionals (Bar Association, Washington State)
Limousines (Licensing, Department of)
Liquor License (Liquor and Cannabis Board)
Loan Modification Services (Financial Institutions, Department of)
Lottery Retailers (Revenue, Department of)


Manufactured/Mobile Home Communities (Revenue, Department of)
Maritime Cranes (Labor and Industries, Department of)
Marriage and Family Therapists (Health, Department of)
Massage Therapists (Health, Department of)
Medical Assistants (Health, Department of)
Medical Commission (Medical Commission, Washington)
Medical Interpreter Services (Social and Health Services, Department of)
Medical Test Sites (Health, Department of)
Mental Health Counselors (Health, Department of)
Midwives (Health, Department of)
Minor Work Permits (Revenue, Department of)
Mortgage Brokers (Financial Institutions, Department of)
Mortgage Loan Originators (Financial Institutions, Department of)
Motor Vehicle Fuel or Special Fuel (Licensing, Department of)
Motor Vehicle Salvage Processors (Licensing, Department of)
Motor Vehicle Wrecker (Licensing, Department of)
Motorcycle Training and Testing (Licensing, Department of)
Motorcycles (Licensing, Department of)


Naturopathic Physicians (Health, Department of)
Notaries Public (Licensing, Department of)
Nursery Dealers - Retailer/Wholesaler (Revenue, Department of)
Nurses (Health, Department of)
Nursing Assistants (Health, Department of)
Nursing Home Administrators (Health, Department of)
Nursing Pools (Health, Department of)


Ocularists (Health, Department of)
Off-Road Vehicle Dealers (Licensing, Department of)
On-site Designers and Inspectors (Engineers and Land Surveyors, Board of Registration for)
Optometrists (Health, Department of)
Orthotists and Prosthetists (Health, Department of)
Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons (Health, Department of)


Performing Rights Societies (Licensing, Department of)
Pesticide Dealers (Revenue, Department of)
Pharmacy Professions (Health, Department of)
Physician Assistants (Medical Commission, Washington)
Physicians (MD) (Medical Commission, Washington)
Plumbers (Labor and Industries, Department of)
Plumbing Contractors (Labor and Industries, Department of)
Podiatric Physicians and Surgeons (Health, Department of)
Private Career Schools (Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board)
Private investigators (Licensing, Department of)
Private Psychiatric Hospitals (Health, Department of)
Professional Boxers (Licensing, Department of)
Professional Engineers (Engineers and Land Surveyors, Board of Registration for)
Professional Wrestling Participants (Licensing, Department of)
Psychologists (Health, Department of)


Radioactive Materials (Health, Department of)
Radiological Technologists (Health, Department of)
Real Estate Agents and Brokers (Licensing, Department of)
Real Estate Educators (Licensing, Department of)
Real Estate Firms (Licensing, Department of)
Recreational Therapists (Health, Department of)
Reduction Facilities (Licensing, Department of)
Registered Tow Truck Operators (RTTO) (Licensing, Department of)
Rehabilitation Facilities (Health, Department of)
Rental Cars (Licensing, Department of)
Respiratory Care Practitioners (Health, Department of)


Scrap Metal Processors (Licensing, Department of)
Scrap Metal Recyclers (Licensing, Department of)
Scrap Metal Suppliers (Licensing, Department of)
Securities Broker Dealers and Securities Salespersons (Financial Institutions, Department of)
Security Guards (Licensing, Department of)
Seed Dealers (Revenue, Department of)
Sellers Of Travel (Licensing, Department of)
Senior EMS Instructor (SEI) (Health, Department of)
Sex Offender Treatment Providers (Health, Department of)
Shopkeepers (Revenue, Department of)
Snowmobile Dealers (Licensing, Department of)
State Institutions (Health, Department of)
Surgical Technologists (Health, Department of)


Talkie-Tooters (Logging Radios) (Labor and Industries, Department of)
Taxis and other For Hire Vehicles (Licensing, Department of)
Telecommunications Administrators (Labor and Industries, Department of)
Telecommunications Contractors (Labor and Industries, Department of)
Telephone Solicitors (Licensing, Department of)
Third Party Administrator - TPA Registration (Washington Vaccine Association)
Timeshares (Licensing, Department of)
Trade Name Registration (Revenue, Department of)
Transportation network companies (Licensing, Department of)
Trapping, Fur Dealers, and Taxidermists (Fish and Wildlife, Department of)
Trauma System (Health, Department of)


Underground Storage Tanks (Revenue, Department of)
Unemployment Insurance (Revenue, Department of)
Uniform Commercial Code (Licensing, Department of)


Vehicle and Vessel Dealers (Licensing, Department of)
Vehicle Manufacturers (Licensing, Department of)
Vehicle Transport and Disposal (Licensing, Department of)
Vehicles and Boats (Licensing, Department of)
Vessel Dealers (Licensing, Department of)
Veterinarians (Health, Department of)
Veterinary Technicians (Health, Department of)


Waste Tire Storage Sites (Revenue, Department of)
Water System Assistance (Health, Department of)
Waterworks Operators (Health, Department of)
Weighing and Measuring Devices (Revenue, Department of)
Whitewater River Outfitters (Licensing, Department of)


X-Ray Facilities and Devices (Revenue, Department of)
X-Ray Technicians (Health, Department of)